Comparative Evaluation of Dentinal Microcrack Formation by Single Reciprocating File Systems: An In Vitro Study
Ashitha T Kulangara, A Devadathan, Jose Jacob, Manuja Nair
Citation Information :
Kulangara AT, Devadathan A, Jacob J, Nair M. Comparative Evaluation of Dentinal Microcrack Formation by Single Reciprocating File Systems: An In Vitro Study. Cons Dent Endod J 2020; 5 (1):1-4.
Introduction: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare and evaluate the formation of dentinal microcracks after root canal preparation while using four single reciprocating file systems [WaveOne (WO), Reciproc (RC), WaveOne Gold (WOG), Reciproc Blue (RCB)]. Materials and methods: Seventy-five extracted mandibular premolars were randomly selected. A total of 15 teeth were left unprepared and served as control, and the remaining 60 teeth were divided into four groups. WaveOne files, Reciproc files, WaveOne Gold files, and Reciproc Blue files were used to prepare the canals. Roots were then sectioned at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex and the cut surface was observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the presence of dentinal microcracks. Results: The control group were not associated with microcracks, while all the single file systems tested resulted in dentinal microcrack formation. Among the groups, tooth prepared with WaveOne Gold and Reciproc Blue files showed fewer cracks than other experimental groups; however, no significant difference was found between them (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Root canal preparation with reciprocating files resulted in dentinal microcracks. WaveOne Gold and Reciproc Blue files caused less microcracks than WaveOne and Reciproc files. Heat-treated instrument produced less microcracks than M-wire instruments.
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