Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Management of an Oblique Crown Fracture of an Anterior Tooth with a Missed Coronal Segment: A Case Report

Merin Joseph, Rakhi P Veedu, Emi George

Keywords : Missed coronal segment, Oblique crown fracture, Reattachment

Citation Information : Joseph M, Veedu RP, George E. Management of an Oblique Crown Fracture of an Anterior Tooth with a Missed Coronal Segment: A Case Report. Cons Dent Endod J 2019; 4 (1):21-24.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10048-0044

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-06-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Background: Coronal fractures of the anterior teeth are a common form of dental trauma that mainly affects children and adolescents. One of the options for managing coronal tooth fractures when the tooth fragment is available and there is no or minimal violation of the biological width is the reattachment of the dental fragment. Sometimes the reattachment alone does not give favorable esthetic result if a fragment is missing and composite restoration may be combined with reattachment for restoring the crown morphology. Case description: This case report describes the management of a complicated oblique crown fracture of a maxillary right central incisor. The mobile fractured segment was removed under local anesthesia (LA) and stored in normal saline. Endodontic treatment was given with a master cone size of 50. Reattachment of the tooth fragment was done using the dual-cure resin cement. Access cavity and missing portion of the tooth were restored with composite resin to regain the tooth morphology. Conclusion: In this case, oblique crown fracture of a young patient was effectively managed with a single-visit endodontic treatment followed by reattachment of tooth fragment. The missing coronal part was restored with composite which gives a better reinforcement to the fractured segment and the remaining tooth structure. Clinical significance: Reattachment of the tooth is a viable treatment alternative to crowning in anterior tooth trauma for a young patient. It is a viable technique that restores function and esthetics with a very conservative approach and can be considered as a choice when treating a patient with coronal fractures of the anterior teeth especially in a young patient.

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