Esthetic Rehabilitation of Mutilated Maxillary Anterior Teeth under General Anesthesia in a Patient with Mild Intellectual Disability and Seizure Disorder
Minimol K Johny, Rupesh S, Haeigin Tom Varghese, Benley George
Keywords :
Caries, Esthetics, General anesthesia, Intellectual disability, Rehabilitation
Citation Information :
Johny MK, S R, Varghese HT, George B. Esthetic Rehabilitation of Mutilated Maxillary Anterior Teeth under General Anesthesia in a Patient with Mild Intellectual Disability and Seizure Disorder. Cons Dent Endod J 2016; 1 (1):21-24.
Intellectual disability (ID) is one of the most common developmental disorders of childhood. Intellectual disability formerly known as mental retardation is a disability characterized by significant limitation in both intellectual function and adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual social and practical adaptive skills. This disability originates before the age of 18. Intellectual disability affects the mind, body and everyday life skills like thinking, talking and self care. People with disability often need extra help to attain and preserve good health which includes oral hygiene. Poor dental health which is prevailing in most of these children may further compromise their mental health; both of which may affect their psychological well being. There are numerous obstacles in delivering quality dental care under local anesthesia (LA) in ID children because of various behavioral problems. So general anesthesia is a safer and preferred option for such patients and currently it is a widely accepted treatment modality in rendering oral care in ID patients. This article describes a unique case of esthetic rehabilitation of maxillary anterior teeth in a 16 years old male patient under general anesthesia who was diagnosed with mild ID and seizure disorder.
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