Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Retreatment of a Chronically Infected Mandibular Molar with Missed Middle Mesial Canal: A Case Report

Abraham Ashwin Eugine, Sangeetha Saji, K Radhakrishnan Nair, CS Sreepooja

Citation Information : Eugine AA, Saji S, Nair KR, Sreepooja C. Retreatment of a Chronically Infected Mandibular Molar with Missed Middle Mesial Canal: A Case Report. Cons Dent Endod J 2021; 6 (1):14-17.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10048-0069

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 30-09-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and background: A major cause of the failure of root canal therapy is the inability to locate and treat all the canals of the root canal system. Magnification and ultrasonics are valuable aids in negotiating missed canals. In case of root canal failures with long-standing lesions, a combination of non-surgical retreatment followed by a surgical approach would be more beneficial. Case description: This case report describes the management of a mandibular molar with a missed middle mesial canal. The canal was negotiated with the help of magnification and ultrasonics. Since it was a long-standing lesion, a surgical intervention was done after the completion of non-surgical retreatment. Conclusion: Untreated root canals may have a direct impact on the prognosis of root canal treatment resulting in chronic periapical infection. Development in techniques and armamentarium has led to successful identification and instrumentation of missed canals. A surgical approach for a long-standing lesion ensures complete healing.

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