Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal

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VOLUME 5 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Comparative Evaluation of Antibacterial Efficacy of Three Intracanal Medicaments in Primary Endodontic Infections: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Monika Tandan, Suchita Sukul

Citation Information : Tandan M, Sukul S. Comparative Evaluation of Antibacterial Efficacy of Three Intracanal Medicaments in Primary Endodontic Infections: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cons Dent Endod J 2020; 5 (1):5-10.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10048-0056

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 30-11-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


Aim: To compare and evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of calcium hydroxide (CH) paste, triple antibiotic paste (TAP), and double antibiotic paste (DAP). Materials and methods: Ninety patients with ninety single-rooted teeth were selected. After complete disinfection, access opening was made and sample S1 was collected with paper point after injecting 5 mL of normal saline. After working length determination and biomechanical preparation till #40 K-file, sample S2 was collected in the same manner as S1. The canals were dried and the three intracanal medicaments were mixed with propylene glycol. The patients were randomly divided into three groups (n = 30) and the medicaments (group I—CH, group II—TAP, and group III—DAP) were placed. After 7 days, following medicament removal, sample S3 was collected. Microbiological samples (S1, S2, and S3) were preincubated for 30 minutes and then plated on brain heart infusion agar and colonies were counted after 24 hours using the classic bacterial counting method. Results: There was significant reduction of bacterial count from stages S1 to S2 and S2 to S3 in all the three experimental groups. The maximum reduction of bacterial count (CFU/mL × 105) at S1, S2, and S3 stages and reduction in mean was seen in group III. However, there were no statistically significant difference between group II (TAP) and group III (DAP). Conclusion: The TAP and DAP have similar antimicrobial efficacy though better than CH.

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