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Subha N, Minu K, Prabhakar V, Prabu M. Root Canal Morphology of Permanent Mandibular Second Molar in a South Indian Population using Computed Tomography. Cons Dent Endod J 2016; 1 (1):1-5.
Aim: To examine the root canal morphology of mandibular second molars in a South Indian population, using spiral computed tomography (CT).
Materials and methods: One hundred ten extracted mandibular second molars were scanned by spiral CT scanner and analyzed for number of roots, number of root canals per root and root canal configuration in each root.
Results: The total of 91.91% of the molars had two roots and 4.55% were three rooted. Single roots were also found (5.45%) and occurrence of four roots was rare (0.91%). Three root canals were found in 62.73% of the teeth, followed by two canals in 20.02%. C-shaped canals were seen in 4.55% of teeth.
Conclusion: In the teeth examined, there was a predominance of two roots and three canals. Type IV canal configuration was common in mesial roots and Type I in distal roots. Three roots and C-shaped canals were also recorded.
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