Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Volume 7 | Issue 2 | Year 2022

Penetration Depth of 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Using Different Irrigation Needles and Activation Systems: An In Vitro Radiographic Assessment

Aathira Vijay1, Liza George2, Josey Mathew3, RV Vineet4, Aleesha Joy5

1–5Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Annoor Dental College & Hospital, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India

Corresponding Author: Liza George, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Annoor Dental College & Hospital, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India, Phone: +91 9446802647, e-mail: abyliz@hotmail.com

How to cite this article: Vijay A, George L, Mathew J, et al. Penetration Depth of 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Using Different Irrigation Needles and Activation Systems: An In Vitro Radiographic Assessment. Cons Dent Endod J 2022;7(2):35–39.

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: Dr Liza George and Dr Josey Mathew are associated as the Editorial Board members of this journal and this manuscript was subjected to this journal’s standard review procedures, with this peer review handled independently of this editorial board member and their research group.

Received on: 30 August 2023; Accepted on: 09 January 2024; Published on: 03 August 2024


Aim and objectives: To evaluate and compare the depth of penetration of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution using different irrigation needles and activation systems using radiographic analysis.

Materials and methods: Sixty permanent single-rooted mandibular premolars were selected. The four groups (n = 15) based on the type of irrigation needle used were randomly selected from among the 60 samples, and each group was then subdivided into three subgroups (n = 5) according to the activation method. The crowns were decoronated and root canal preparations were done using hand file systems. Radio labeled 5.25% sodium hypochlorite was used as root canal irrigant. The penetration depth of the irrigant was observed with the aid of a radiograph comparing conventional irrigation needles with side vents, double side vents, and TruNatomy needles and with various activation strategies. The data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA.

Results: Except side vent and double side vent needles, all needles appear to significantly differ according to pairwise testing for activations. In comparison to other needles, TruNatomy needles demonstrated greater depth of penetration, whereas conventional needles showed the least depth of penetration of the irrigant. All three systems differ significantly in terms of the activation system. When compared to manual dynamic activation (MDA) and ultrasonic systems, the Endo activator produced the best results.

Keywords: Double side vented irrigation needle, Manual dynamic activation, Omnipaque (Iohexol), Side vented irrigation needles, Sonic activation, TruNatomy irrigation needles, Ultrasonic activation.


The success rate of endodontic treatment has improved owing to the development of newer techniques and instruments.1 The primary objective of endodontic treatment is to eliminate bacterial burden from the root canal system. Traditionally it is accomplished by a combination of instrumentation and irrigation. Irrigants aid in the dissolution of necrotic and vital pulpal tissues and thereby mechanically flush the debris out from the root canals.2 Irrigants were commonly delivered using a syringe and needle which did not allow complete debridement of dentinal tubules. Greater proximity of irrigants to the apical areas using irrigant activation devices, such as passive ultrasonic devices promotes their effectiveness.3 Additionally, for the thorough removal of debris and endodontic bacteria, irrigation needle penetration closer to the apical zone of the root canal is crucial.4

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) remains the irrigant of choice due to its antibacterial nature, dissolving both necrotic and organic matter within the root canal.1 The Scientific Committee Consensus recommends a sodium hypochlorite concentration of 2.5–5.25%, which strikes a good compromise between disinfection and toxicity.5

Irrigant delivery by a syringe and a needle during root canal treatment dates back more than a century.6 These needles largely vary by whether or not they have an open or closed tip, as well as a number of outlets.

The side vented needles are modifications of the conventional needle which consist of the lateral slot that accounts for irrigant flow for appropriate debridement of canal walls and minimizes the build-up of higher-pressure during irrigation.7

The TruNatomyTM irrigation needle rounds out the therapeutic process. An even distribution of irrigation solution across the canal is maintained by the back-to-back 2-side vent design, providing better control. The needle can bend and flex readily to follow the architecture of the root canal because of the flexible polypropylene material.

Refillment and fluid exchange takes place just beyond the tip of the irrigation needle during conventional needle irrigation. The so-called vapor lock effect, which is caused by the entrapment of air in any portion of the root canal, might limit the effectiveness of irrigation by preventing the replacement of irrigants. After mechanical instrumentation, various methods and irrigant delivery devices have been suggested to improve canal cleanliness and the effectiveness of chemical disinfection within the root canal system.8

Numerous methods have been developed to improve irrigation effectiveness with relation to the irrigant’s ability to properly remove smear layer and debris as well as the depth of penetration. To optimize the results of endodontic therapy, effective irrigant administration and the activation of the irrigation solution are necessary.

A well-fitting master gutta-percha (GP) cone is repeatedly inserted to the working length of an instrumented canal in manual dynamic activation (MDA) to create hydrodynamic displacement forces inside irrigants.9 Acoustic cavitation and flowing forces are produced by passive ultrasonic irrigation using freely oscillating files at ultrasonic frequencies (25–30 kHz).9,10

The endo activator system (EA), Sonically driven irrigant activation system, (DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK, USA) consists of a portable handpiece and three different sizes of disposable flexible polymer tips that spare the root dentin and were created to vigorously and safely energize the hydrodynamic phenomenon.11,12

Studies using radiopaque dyes have been suggested to examine the root canal irrigants’ penetration depth.1 The radiopaque contrast agent used in this study is omnipaque (Iohexol). The purpose of the study is to assess and compare, using radiographic examination, the depth of penetration of radiolabeled 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution utilizing various irrigation needles and activation methods.


Sixty permanent single-rooted mandibular premolars extracted for orthodontic treatment from the dental college and nearby private clinics were selected as samples. Teeth with root canal curvature >300 root canal-treated teeth, caries teeth, teeth with cracks, fractures, and hypoplastic teeth were excluded. The soft tissue residues on the surface of the extracted teeth were removed with a hand scaler, and the teeth were stored in distilled water. The samples were examined using a radiograph to identify any canal deviations and calcification of canals and such teeth were eliminated from the study sample.

The 60 samples were randomly divided into four groups (n = 15) based on the type of irrigation needle used and each group was further subdivided into 3 subgroups (n = 5) based on the irrigation activation technique. The crowns were decoronated to a length of 14 mm to maintain uniformity of root length and mounted on a wax block. The apical foramen of the roots was sealed using wax to simulate a closed system. Standard endodontic access cavity was prepared using endoaccess bur (Super Endo-Endo access bur #14) and the initial patency was established using #10 K files (Mani K files, 21 mm) to the working length (WL). The cleaning and shaping of the samples were performed using the step-back technique with the hand file system. The apical preparation was done till the #30 file size (Mani K files, 21 mm) and further step back was done up to the #45 K files for all the samples with intermittent saline irrigation to remove dentin debris.

Irrigation Protocol

Standardized irrigation protocol was followed using 5.25% Sodium hypochlorite (Chloraxid 5.25%) solution that was mixed with iohexol dye (OmnipaqueTM) for evaluation under radio visio graph. One mL of radio labelled irrigant was used along with the different needles and activation systems. The needles used were group I-Conventional beveled needles (Dispovan irrigation needles), group II side vent needles (Zodenta, Endo irrigation needles), group III double side vent needles (Rc Twents) and group IV TruNatomy needles (Dentsply, Sirona) (Fig. 1). The Irrigation needles in all the four groups were standardized to 30 gauge. The irrigant activation was done using MDA, sonic activation and ultrasonic activation in the respective subgroups.

Figs 1A to D: Irrigation needles used (A) Conventional needle; (B) Side vent needle; (C) Double side vent needle; (D) Trunatomy needle

Manual Dynamic Activation: Subgroup I

Gutta-percha master cone with taper slightly less than the taper of the canal and that fits snugly till the working length was selected. Since the apical preparation was done till 30 size, the master cone was selected as size 30 and 2% taper. The canal was dried using paper points following which 1 mL of radio-opaque containing irrigant was delivered into the canal. The manual agitation of the master cone will be done with an up-and-down motion and a 2 mm amplitude at a frequency of 100 strokes approximately 1 minutes.13,14

Ultrasonic Activation: Subgroup II

The ultrasonic activation tip of size 25 and 2% taper was used to activate the irrigant following irrigation with the respective needles. The tip should oscillate freely, so that the irrigant can penetrate effectively into the apical part of the root canal system and enhance the cleaning effect.15,16

Sonic Activation: Subgroup III

One mL of irrigant solution was placed into the root canal with the respective irrigation needle following which Sonic handpiece (Endo Activator-size 25, 0.04 taper) was used for 30 seconds at 10,000 cycles/min, which translates to 0.166 kHz in short 2–3 mm vertical strokes.17

Evaluation of Penetration Depth of Irrigants

The RVG sensor (Kodak 5.200) was stabilized by modeling wax on a flat surface. The tooth specimens were kept over it. The X-ray tube head was aimed at right angles to both the tooth specimen and sensor (Fig. 2). After this, exposure was done and images were loaded on RVG software.18 The depth of penetration of 5.25% Sodium hypochlorite was measured in millimeters by the opacity in the digital radiography for the samples in all the groups. The extent of irrigant penetration radiographically will be analyzed by three blind observers for all the groups (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2: X-ray tube head, RVG sensor and tooth samples positioning during digital imaging

Fig. 3: Radiographic evaluation of conventional, side vent, double side vent and TruNatomy needle with manual dynamic activation, ultrasonic and endo activation

Statistical Analysis

SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data collected, which were entered into Microsoft Excel. One-way ANOVA was used for inter-group analysis and independent sample t-test for intra-group analysis; Two-way ANOVA was used to study the interaction effect. In all the analysis significance level is taken to be 0.05.

Kappa statistics were used to analyze the data from each observer to establish inter-observer reliability. Calculating weighted κ statistics allowed for the evaluation of the level of agreement between each pair of observers.


The pairwise tests for needles (Table 1) suggest that there is a significant difference among all the needles except side vent (group II) and double side vent needles (group III). TruNatomy needles (group IV) showed more depth of penetration compared to other needles and conventional needles (group I) showed the least depth of penetration.

Table 1: Pair wise test for needles
(I) Needle (J) Needle Mean difference (I–J) Std. error Significant
Conventional Side vent –0.870 0.219 0.000
Double side vent –0.470 0.219 0.038
Trunatomy –1.400 0.219 0.000
Side vent Conventional 0.870 0.219 0.000
Double side vent 0.400 0.219 0.073
Trunatomy –0.530 0.219 0.018
Double side vent Conventional 0.470 0.219 0.038
Side vent –0.400 0.219 0.073
Trunatomy –0.930 0.219 0.000
Trunatomy Conventional 1.400 0.219 0.000
Side vent 0.530 0.219 0.018
Double side vent 0.930 0.219 0.000

Among the activation system, (Table 2) there is a significant difference among all three systems. Endo activator (subgroup III) showed most superior result compared to MDA (subgroup I) and ultrasonic system (subgroup II).

Table 2: Pair wise test for activations
(I) Activation (J) Activation Mean difference Std. error Significant
MDA Ultrasonic –0.450 0.189 0.021
Endo –0.900 0.189 0.000
Ultrasonic MDA 0.450 0.189 0.021
Endo –0.450 0.189 0.021
Endo MDA 0.900 0.189 0.000
Ultrasonic 0.450 0.189 0.021


Microorganisms and their products are crucial to the pathologic processes that occur in the pulp and periapical regions.19 The success of root canal therapy depends on the eradication of these microbes from the root canal system.20 Root canal irrigants aid in removing the microorganisms and their by-products with the aid of sufficient activation systems.21 In recent years, a number of studies have examined the effectiveness of root canal irrigation, including the methods of irrigation, the placement, the type of the needle, and the movement of the irrigation needle as the syringe method has been chosen for irrigation and also the level of root canal preparation, the characteristics, and the flow pattern of irrigants, etc.2123

This study was conducted on mandibular premolars to evaluate the radiographic assessment of the penetration depth of irrigants and compare conventional irrigation needles, side vented needles, and TruNatomy needles using different activation systems. The irrigation needles used were conventional stainless steel beveled needles, single side-vented needle, double-side vented needles and soft polypropylene TruNatomy irrigation needles and activation systems include MDA, ultrasonic activations, and sonic activations.

Apical enlargement was done up to 30 size (2%) and step back done up to 45 size (2%). Minimal apical enlargement was done to conserve the tooth structure and limit extrusion of filling materials at the same time allowing for sufficient volume of irrigant.2426 Albrecht et al. concluded that root canal debridement is mainly affected by final instrument size and root canal taper contributes in debridement only when the final instrument size is smaller than 30.27,28

Root canal preparation was standardized, and a 30-gauge needle was used to deliver a predetermined quantity of irrigants into the canal space since its outer diameter is 0.3 mm, which is equivalent to 30-size instruments.29 The irrigation depth is also standardized and the needle depth should be 2 mm short of the apex which is in accordance with a study done by Shin et al.7

In this study, TruNatomy needles when used with all activation systems showed more depth of penetration compared to other needles. It is referred to as a comprehensive clinical solution since it was created to respect the genuine natural anatomy of the root canal. The flexible polypropylene irrigation needles allow the needle to curve and flex easily to follow the root canal anatomy. Irrigant confines in the root canal itself even in maxillary teeth by neglecting the effect of gravity.

Conventional needles showed the least depth of penetration regardless of the activation method, which is consistent with a study by Srivastava et al.30 The jet in open-ended needles (flat, beveled, notched) is very strong, extends along the root canal, and breaks up gradually at the tip. Clinicians frequently use this needle to deliver irrigants in clinical settings. The apical portion of the root canal is where conventional irrigation methods perform less than the coronal aspect, according to different studies.21,31

Side vent and double side vent needles showed no significant difference in depth of penetration among the various activation systems. When closed-ended needles with side or double vents are utilized, the jet forms close to the outlet’s apical side and is directed apically with a minor divergence.32 The major route taken by the irrigant is a curved one that rounds the tip before leading to the coronal orifice. There is twice as high maximum shear stress, but limited to near their tip, on the wall facing the needle outlet. Side vent needles mainly reduce the apical extrusion and at the same time improve the hydrodynamic activation of irrigants.13 According to Silva et al., the needles with two side vents produced the least material extrusion into the periapical tissues. These modified needle tips decreased the pressure that was created at the apical foramen, which may have lowered the likelihood that the irrigant would be extruded into the periapical tissues.33

According to Schiavotelo, irrigant activation with sonic devices (EA-EDDY) outperformed previous irrigant activation protocols.34 Similar to the previous study, the application of a sonic device (endo activator) demonstrated greater depth of penetration in comparison to MDA and ultrasonic activation. To increase the effectiveness of NaOCl, acoustic and ultrasonic instruments produce vibrations inside the root canal.35 Among the different needle activations, the TruNatomy needle along with sonic activation showed greater depth of penetration.

Although radiographic contrast agents are frequently utilized in medicine, their application in dentistry has been relatively sparse.1 Researchers have recently employed it in conjunction with radiography to assess and compare the penetration of the canal system. Iohehol (omnipaque), a low osmolar radiopaque contrast medium, is recommended for intrathecal administration in humans for many imaging procedures, including myelography, contrast augmentation for computed tomography, and imaging of the salivary glands. Omnipaque has a non-ionic, monomeric structure, excellent water solubility, and viscosity and density that are very similar to those of 5.25% NaOCl. These properties set it apart from other contrast agents.

Kodak Dental Imaging Software 5.200 and digital radiography with intraoral sensor were used to deliver quick results for each technique. At all stages of irrigation, radiographs were taken by maintaining a standard position for the fixation system, radiological tube, sensor, and samples. This prevented movements and limit radiographic errors while doing the evaluation.1


The study was conducted on single-rooted teeth with the straight canal. But the efficacy of irrigation needles and activation systems would be more relevant for multi rooted teeth with curved canals which is one of the limitations of the study. Further studies are needed to evaluate the lateral penetration of irrigants using 3D analysis.


Within the limitations of the study, the TruNatomy irrigation needle showed the most promising irrigation method when used in conjunction with Sonic activation. There was no difference in depth of penetration between side-vented and double-side-vented needles.


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