Greetings from the Editorial Desk,

The first issue of Conservative Dentistry and Journal (CEJ) for the year 2017 is now available online. The online article submission platform has helped streamlining the reviewing process and has helped give a professional quality to the journal. In addition to original articles and case reports, this Issue also has the second part of the article on Plagiarism and Scientific publishing. I hope the postgraduates will go through the article, as it can clear a lot of their doubts.


The advent of social media has not only increased the connectivity between people, it has also revolutionised our work space. We share radiographs and treatment plans of interesting cases almost on a daily basis. Most of the treatments are innovative and extremely interesting. At least a few of these cases i believe ought to be published and documented for future reference in a national or a speciality journal, thereby enlightening a much larger group of clinicians. I would therefore request all the enterprising clinician's in CAESOK to take a little time of your busy schedule and publish your wonderful cases in the journal.

As the Exam season is nearing, I would like to wish the exam going post graduates of CAESOK all the very best. May all of you pass the exams with flying colours !!

Let me take this opportunity to thank you all, especially the Executive committee of CAESOK for the support and Co-operation extended to the editorial team.

Happy Reading...